Jul 28, 2023
Episode 57: Murray Kentucky attorney Jeff Roberts discusses a heavy topic in this episode. A traffic fatality is a tragic situation for everyone involved. He’s handled cases involving various types of traffic fatalities including car wrecks, motorcycle accidents and collisions with tractor trailers. If your loved...
Jul 17, 2023
Episode 56: Calloway County attorney Jeff Roberts answers the question, what is a contingency fee. He handles personal injury cases (including car wrecks, motorcycle accidents and trucking collisions), workers’ comp claims and social security disability claims on a contingency fee basis. This type of fee makes it...
Jul 3, 2023
Episode 55: Calloway County personal injury attorney Jeff Roberts explains a very important factor in your car wreck case, your workers’ comp case and also how it relates to your social security disability claim. The statute of limitations is exactly that – a limitation that may prevent you from being able to file...